1500 Sq.Feet Traditional Kerala Dwelling Menage Design


1500 Square Feet (139 Square Meter) (167 Square Yards) traditional Kerala identify pattern past times Ar. Jiju Varghese Thomas & Ar. Ajith K Sunny.
For to a greater extent than data well-nigh this traditional Kerala domicile 1500 Sq.feet traditional Kerala domicile design

Details of this house
Genre : Residence
Total expanse : 1500 foursquare feet
Style : Traditional
Site : Kerala

Facilities of this house

  • Car poach
  • Sit out
  • Foyer/pooja
  • 3 bedroom
  • Living
  • One bathroom attached bed room
  • Dining
  • Kitchen
  • Utility
  • Store
  • One mutual toilet
  • arty space
For to a greater extent than data well-nigh this traditional Kerala domicile 1500 Sq.feet traditional Kerala domicile designFor to a greater extent than data well-nigh this traditional Kerala domicile 1500 Sq.feet traditional Kerala domicile designFor to a greater extent than data well-nigh this traditional Kerala domicile 1500 Sq.feet traditional Kerala domicile designFor to a greater extent than data well-nigh this traditional Kerala domicile 1500 Sq.feet traditional Kerala domicile design

For to a greater extent than data well-nigh this traditional Kerala home
Ar. Jiju Varghese Thomas
+91 8884732899
Ar. Ajith K Sunny
+91 8095494745

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