South Indian Villa Inward 1375 Sq.Feet


1375 Square feet (128 foursquare meter) (153 foursquare yards) Tamilnadu(South India) fashion iv sleeping accommodation villa blueprint past times Mohamed Nizamudeen (Nplanners), Tamilnadu, India

For to a greater extent than data most this South Indian fashion villa blueprint South Indian villa inwards 1375 sq.feet

House specification
Ground floor: 750 Sq.Ft.
First floor: 625 Sq.Ft.
Total expanse : 1375 Sq.Ft.

House Facilities

  • Car park
  • Sitout
  • Living
  • 4 Bedroom
  • Common toilet
  • Kitchen/store
  • Work Area
For to a greater extent than data most this South Indian fashion villa design
Architect: Mohamed Nizamudeen (Nplanners) (Tamilnadu identify design)
Ph: +91 9600714877

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